I've enjoyed my profession. Working one on one with people has brought me a sense of satisfaction. My expertise, developed over 43 years, has evolved. I have created a dynamic way of treating people, a synthesis of modalities. I studied with some amazing, very talented teachers. And I've kept a practice of meditation for over 40 years. This has increased my abilities to be present, listen, and focus. It is in presence, deep listening that comes from stillness, and compassion that our healing arises.
Today, I continue to study the lastest and most innovative bodywork methods available. My focus is on osteopathic bodywork. Because it is dynamic, balancing, gentle, and well researched. I have an innate ability to use my hands to feel deep into the body and differentiate between healthly and dis-eased tissues. This skill allows me to sense change and to release congestion and pain, allowing more balance.
Truly, it is our bodies that set this balance. As a therapist, I am simply the catalyst. It was a while before I got this. It has been a rewarding process, working directly with people. Today I blend awareness, tenacity and an open, curious spirit to live my life NOW with Joy and Gratitude, simply Being.
I am privileged to be of service to you. Bonnie Salu